Tokyo office : Remote work only, Hattyobori office is closed

Tokyo office staff have been trying Remote work since the beginning of March 2020 and we have achieved to provide the services without physical office. Also the cost save can be expected in the future. So we close the Tokyo Hattyobori office and Tokyo staff work on remote. 

Start  :  1st June 2020 (Mon)

We will try to provide better services and our services will be easier for customers to use.


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このページは、adminが2020年6月 2日 17:59に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「東京オフィス:完全テレワーク / 八丁堀オフィス廃止 -Tokyo office : Remote work only, Hattyobori office is closed- 」です。

次のブログ記事は「お盆休暇のお知らせ -Obon Holiday-」です。
